After School Program
The cornerstones of Team Prime Time’s after-school program are academics, athletics, leadership training and the Art Academy. In addition, Team Prime Time offers camps and other programs when school is not in session.
Academics Athletics Art and S.T.E.M. Academy Leadership
See School Below For Enrollment Applications (English and Spanish Included)
Additional Forms:
Medical Information and Clearance
Prescription Medicine Dispensing Agreement
Non-Prescription Medicine Dispensing Agreement
Team Prime Time’s ability to both impact and empower the lives of its students is based upon a simple but effective formula: employ quality, experienced staff in a low, 10:1 staffing ratio in order to implement a comprehensive curriculum that inspires students to return day after day, year after year. The retention of its professional staff provides the program with the stable, consistent environment that earns the students’ trust and motivates them to excel.
Los Angeles Unified School District Locations
Colfax Charter Elementary
4935 Colfax Ave
Valley Village, CA 91601
Site Director: Casey O’Sullivan
Site Phone:(818) 383-1263
Colfax Charter Elementary 2024-25 Application – English
Colfax Charter Elementary 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Cowan Elementary School
7615 Cowan Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Site Director: Deonte Lewis
Site Phone: (310) 780-4275
Cowan Elementary 2024-25 Application – English
Cowan Elementary 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Daniel Webster Middle School
11330 West Graham Pl.
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Site Director: Conner Young
Site Phone: (310) 968-7872
Webster 2024-25 Application – English
Webster 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Emerson Community Charter School
1650 Selby Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Site Director: Jazmine Sanders
Site Phone: (310) 749-7872
Emerson 2024-25 Application – English
Emerson 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Ivanhoe Elementary School
2828 Herkimer St.
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Site Director: Ken Bell
Site Phone: (310) 780-3220
Ivanhoe Elementary 2024-25 Application – English
Ivanhoe Elementary 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Katherine Johnson STEM Academy
8701 Park Hill Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Site Director: Ronald Mitchell
Site Phone: (424) 443-0069
JK STEM 2024-25 Application – English
JK STEM 2024-25 Application – Spanish
5931 W. 18th St., Los Angeles, CA 90035
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Site Director: Tahira Page
Site Phone:(310) 617-8693
LACES 2024-25 Application – English
LACES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Marina Del Rey Middle School
12500 Braddock Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Site Director: Destiny Rojo
Site Phone: (310) 871-3432
MDR 2024-25 Application – English
MDR 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Palms Middle School
10860 Woodbine St.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Site Director: Christi Black
Site Phone: (310) 892-7872
Palms 2024-25 Application – English
Palms 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Riverside Drive Charter
13061 Riverside Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Site Director: Marisol Demonte
Site Phone: (818) 383-8010
Riverside Drive Charter 2024-25 Application – English
Riverside Drive Charter 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Stoner Ave. Elementary
11735 Braddock Dr.
Culver City, CA 90230
Site Director: Jaelyn Nance
Site Phone: (310) 740-3141
Stoner Ave 2024-25 Application – English
Stoner Ave 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Walgrove Elementary School
1630 Walgrove Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Site Director: Thomas Witwer
Site Phone: (310) 713-8122
Walgrove 2024-25 Application – English
Walgrove 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Westside Global Awareness Magnet
104 Anchorage St.
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Site Director: David Trujillo
Site Phone: (310) 892-3222
WGAM 2024-25 Application – English
WGAM 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Westminster Elementary School
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Venice, CA 90291
Site Director: Mayra Gonzalez
Site Phone: (310) 486-8822
Westminster 2024-25 Application – English
Westminster 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Inglewood Unified School District Locations
Bennett-Kew P-8 Leadership Academy of Excellence
11710 S Cherry Ave.
Inglewood, CA 90303
Site Director: LaVera Wade
Site Phone: (310) 968-9085
Bennett-Kew ES 2024-25 Application – English
Bennett-Kew ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Centinela TK-8 School
1123 N Marlborough Ave.
Inglewood, CA 90302
Site Director: Delwin Venegas
Site Phone: (310) 968-9297
Centinela ES 2024-25 Application – English
Centinela ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Crozier Middle School
120 W Regent St.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Site Director: Sayyid Rivers
Site Phone: (310) 487-1546
Crozier MS 2024-25 Application – English
Crozier MS 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Frank D. Parent TK-8 School
5354 W 64th St.
Inglewood, CA 90302
Site Director: Alexander Brooks
Site Phone: (310) 487-1359
Frank D. Parent ES 2024-25 Application – English
Frank D. Parent ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Highland TK-6 Elementary School
430 Venice Way
Inglewood, CA 90302
Site Director: Ayana Alex
Site Phone: (310) 487-1589
Highland ES 2024-25 Application – English
Highland ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Hudnall TK-6 Elementary School
331 W Olive St.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Site Director: Porsche’a Gambrell
Site Phone: (310) 487-0874
Hudnall ES 2024-25 Application – English
Hudnall ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
La Tijera Academy of Excellence TK-8 School
1415 La Tijera Blvd.
Inglewood, CA 90302
Site Director: Tulsa Predom
Site Phone: (310) 487-0970
La Tijera ES 2024-25 Application – English
La Tijera ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Oak Street TK-8 School
633 S Oak St.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Site Director: Dalyce Wilson
Site Phone: (310) 968-8772
Oak Street ES 2024-25 Application – English
Oak Street ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Payne P-8 STEAM Academy
215 W 94th St.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Site Director: Isaiah Bustamante
Site Phone: (310) 968-3077
Payne ES 2024-25 Application – English
Payne ES 2024-25 Application – Spanish
Woodworth-Monroe TK-8 Academy
10711 10th Ave.
Inglewood, CA 90303
Site Director: Melvin Jones
Site Phone: (310) 968-8921
Woodworth-Monroe 2024-25 Application – English
Woodworth-Monroe 2024-25 Application – Spanish
The four components of TPT’s academics program all work together to help accomplish the organization’s primary goal; increasing high school graduation rates for underserved youth. The first component is daily homework assistance and tutoring to ensure that students are performing well in their classes. The second is to identify and address each student’s demonstrated areas of need through the creation of Individualized Tutorial Plans (ITPs) designed to bridge the Achievement Gap, bringing the students’ academic performance to grade level or above. Diagnostic software, performance data analysis and regular communication with the school administration are just some of the variables used to create the ITPs.
TPT works in partnership with the Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation to promote literacy and reading comprehension, the third component of the program. The fourth and final component is to expose the students to valuable enrichment and learning opportunities beyond the standard school day through unique and creative community collaborations. Examples include the Prime Time Trials Mock Trial Partnership with Loyola Law School and the financial literacy curriculum taught by Union Bank.
These four goals work together to help TPT achieve one of its primary organization goals; improving high school graduation rates for disadvantaged youth. And it’s working…TPT students are over 50 percent more likely to graduate high school than at-risk middle school students in LAUSD who did not attend TPT while in middle school.
Whether improving self-esteem, teaching teamwork, improving communication skills, promoting a healthy lifestyle through education about general health and proper nutrition or reinforcing academic accountability, the impact of athletics on the TPT after-school program can be seen everyday. The three main components are as follows:
The LA84 Middle School Sports League
All six TPT locations offer on-campus leagues in the following sports: flag football, basketball, soccer and volleyball. TPT is proud to have been chosen by the LA84 Foundation as a partner in the launching of this ambitious Pilot Program as TPT locations comprised 3 of the original 7 school to participate in the LEAGUE, and was the only organization to operate more than one of the original schools.
Each season culminates in the PRIME TIME JAMBOREE, a six-site TPT tournament, with the winner earning the right to take home the coveted WSA CUP. Recently, The WSA Cup Soccer Tournament was hosted by Webster Middle School and Emerson Community Charter Middle School on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Check out the highlights HERE.
Alternative Sports Program
The alternative sports program is designed for those students not participating in the “seasonal” sports activities. The alternative sports program features individual sports like tennis and golf and track and field as well as off-season sports.
General Health and Fitness
TPT recognizes that not every student will pursue sports in high school, but that every student must be taught the importance of pursuing a healthy lifestyle. It is for this reason that TPT also offers participation-based, non-competitive activities that emphasize fun and fitness. By doing so, TPT believes that the choice to pursue a healthy lifestyle is made that much easier.
Team Prime Time would like to acknowledge the Westcoast Sports Associates for its ongoing support of the TPT Sports Program.
Art and S.T.E.M. Academy
Recognizing the need to appeal to a broader range of students than those just attracted by its sports program, TPT launched its ambitious ART ACADEMY in the Fall of 2005. The results were staggering: enrollment increased 33 percent in 2005-06 with the majority of the students citing the ART ACADEMY as the reason for joining the program. In 2006-07, enrollment increased nearly 20 percent, again, because of the ART ACADEMY (Webster MS location.)
Team Prime Time is able to offer students a new way to enrich their school day. The program consists of three main components – visual arts, media arts and performing arts – with each component designed to accomplish specific goals.
The media arts component works directly to support the curriculum of the standard school day by offering projects in a variety of mediums that enhance what is taught in the classroom. These projects emphasize the social sciences. The media arts focuses on the career-based applications of the arts through the introduction of computers, graphic design, photography, videography, filmmaking and editing, lighting, music and other technical outlets. The performing arts component reinforces the importance of literacy through projects that emphasize reading and writing, and self-confidence and self-esteem through participation in performances and performance-based exercises.
By offering programming from across the Arts spectrum, the ART ACADEMY is designed to appeal to each TPT student in such a way that he or she will participate in at least one component. Other highlights of the program include fashion design and a student newsletter.
Check out the Team Prime Time’s 2019-20 Art Portfolio!
Check out the Team Prime Time’s 2018-19 Art Portfolio!
Leadership is a cornerstone of the TPT curriculum because it is important that the students see themselves as part of the solution to the problems faced by our community — and not the cause. Placing middle school kids in a position of real responsibility, where their actions directly impact the lives of others, has had a profound and ongoing impact on their self-esteem while doing much to change the perception of what middle school students can accomplish in the eyes of those that have witnessed their contributions.
At the heart of the students’ leadership training is the TPT’s full-inclusion sports program, The Prime Time Games (the GAMES) in which middle school students become coaches and mentors to children with developmental disabilities. It is through the GAMES that TPT students have earned their collective reputation as true leaders in our community.
The leadership component also introduces students to guest speakers from across the local sports, art and business communities through its Community Leaders Program. These special guests inspire the students with stories of success while providing practical advice so that the student can set and meet goals of their own.